Policy East is a think tank that provides platform to various ideas and voices from around the globe on matters related to public policy.
Here, we discuss ideas and perspectives ranging from politics, international relations, culture, philosophy, diplomacy, governments, counter-extremism and counter-terrorism. Policy East’s special focus is on East Asia and Pacific, South Asia and Middle East.
Politics and Diplomacy
Man is the product of his institutional and constitutional environment. These institutions vary from country to country.
Here at Policy East, we discuss political landscapes and institutions that have shaped different environments. Discussing the different political systems, their histories and evolution will make us better understand the human behavior related to power. Since the political settings are ever changing phenomena, Policy East is a platform where we can discuss, listen and understand them.
Developing Ideas
Ideas have played the most significant part in shaping and reshaping the human history.
Let it be philosophy or science, ideas have been at the very core of discovery. Policy East’s vision is to discuss the great eastern philosophies that have brought people together for instance: Confucius, Sufism, Advaita Vedanta, Zen, Taoism and many others that manifest themselves in the oriental & eastern life, architecture, societies and institutions.
Counter-terrorism & Counter-extremism
Terrorism and extremism has become a worldwide phenomenon.
Thousands of innocent people have lost their lives. Middle East has been worst struck by wars and terrorism. DAESH (acronym for ISIS) has killed hundreds of innocent people in the name of religion in middles east, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Many other terrorist organizations have killed and injured thousands of people around the globe. From U.S to UK, Europe to Middle East and from South Asia to Far East terrorism has become an issue. At Policy East we discuss the nature of terrorism and the mindset that promotes it. Policy East works on the way forward for the societies and countries to fight the common foe.
"Connecting People"
The Vision of Policy East is to invite the leaders, ideas and experts from around the globe to discuss ideas and connect for a better collective future.